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our team

Adriana Garzon
Graphic Designer
Adriana Suao
Senior VP of Account Services, Enterprise
Ajah Bisaillon
Account Executive / Project Manager
Alejandro Ochoa
Social Graphic Designer
Alejandro Ramirez
Media Assistant
Alejandro Rodriguez
Project Manager
Alejandro Sanchez
Art Director
Alessandra Da Cunha
VP of Human Resources
Alex Castleberry
Jr. Performance Specialist
Alexandra Jelkh
Lead Account Executive
Alexandra McCanna
Lead Account Executive
Ali Sheikh
Associate Creative Director - Copy
Alison Acello
Content Strategist
Alysha Heaston
Account Executive
Alyssa Lombardo
Lead Account Executive
Amanda Meyers
Lead Account Executive
Amanda Milevski
Director of Project Management
Ana Martinez
Digital Analytics Pro
Anderson Rodríguez
Traffic Performance Manager
Andrea Zapata
Junior Front End Developer
Andres Cadena
Back End Developer
Angeli Pena
Accounting Clerk
Anna Chase
Lead Content Coordinator
Annie Wentzell
Senior Photo Editor
Arianna Diaz
Project Manager
Ariel Koerber
Digital Media Planner
Ariel Roache
Project Manager
Asha Dalling
Content Coordinator I
Ashley Caldwell
Lead Account Executive
Ashly Zarate
Junior Social Media Designer
Austin Brown
Digital Media Planner
Aviva Sredni
Senior Project Manager
Aya Yodvilai
Account Executive
Ben Davidson
VP of Sales
Tambo Pup
Breno Sisnando
VP of Web Platform Development
Brian Ferrell
VP of Sales
Brianna Hishmeh
Group Account Strategist
Brianna Rodriguez
Lead Account Executive
Brooke Dubinsky
Data Visualization Specialist
Brooke Perry
Director of Copywriting
Camila Toro
Account Executive
Camilo Murcia
Senior Graphic Designer
Camilo Orjuela
Media Planner
Camilo Rincon
Production Back End Developer
Carlos Joya
Junior Front End Developer
Carolina Murgueitio
Human Resources Lead
Carolina Rossello
Performance Specialist
Casey Blomberg
Team Lead, Paid Search & Social Media
Cassandra Cabal
Project Manager
Cassidy Kling
Account Coordinator - Concierge
Catherine Parrinello
Chief Operating Officer
Chantel Robillard
Lead Account Executive
Christian Beltran
Lead Front End Developer
Christian Triana
Senior Art Director
Christina Davis
Senior VP of Operations
Christina Ross
Account Coordinator
Colleen Cwalinski
HR Generalist
Corey Rando
Cristina Romero
Client Relations Manager
Damari Armstrong
Performance Specialist
Dan Martin
Director of Sales
Daniel Palomino
Junior Graphic Designer
Daniel Rada
Lead Designer
David Vasquez
Senior Graphic Designer
Delanie Garcia
Diego Rodriguez
Lead Designer
Diego Vargas
Junior Front End Developer
Doug Anderson
VP of Finance
Doug Hollingsworth
Performance Specialist
Eileen McGregor
Product Manager
Emily Lombardi
Account Executive
Erick Moscoso
Front End Developer
Erik Calderon
Front End Developer
Erika Nishida
Account Executive
Eskarly Rivera
Front end Developer
Esmeralda Diaz
Account Service
Esteban Niño
Graphic Designer
Esteban Posada
Performance Specialist
Evgeniia Bilukha
Lead Designer
Fabian Perez
Digital Analytics Supervisor
Felipe Ruiz
Graphic Designer
Tambo Pup
Francesca Petrizzo
Account Executive II
Gabriela Gomez
Account Executive
Gabriela Morales
Account Coordinator
Gabriela Townsend
Project Manager
Gloria Mendez
Jr. Paid Performance Specialist
Gregory Schwartz
Account Manager
Gustavo Rueda
Services & Wellness Coordinator
Hannah Trefry
Senior Marketing Manager
Harvert Martinez
Project Manager - CRS Strategy Specialist
Heiner Landero
Junior Front End Developer
Helena Quintero
Account Executive
Hellman Fabregas
Senior Graphic Designer
Ilena Basore
Director of Strategy
Ingrid Miller
Account Executive
Ivan Arredondo
Jr. Performance Specialist
Jack Feldman
Content Strategist
Jacob Dowis
Photo Editor
Jacqueline Ferreira
Project Coordinator
Jasmin Prieto
Technical Engineer Specialist
Javier Suarez
Production Front End
Tambo Pup
Jean Pierre Segura
Junior Front End Developer
Jeff Spaccio
Executive VP, Global Hotel Brands
Jennifer Lopez
Account Executive
Jessica Cheung
IT Support Technician
Jhon Daza
Production Specialist
John Marroquin
Graphic Designer
John Reed
Technical Ops Manager
Jordan Iten
Director of Sales
Jorge Diaz
Production Specialist
Jorge Mier
Performance Specialist
Jose Luis Tellez
Dev-Ops Aws Specialist
Joseph Nuñez
Junior Back End Developer
Jovanna Ramirez
Project Manager
Juan Fernando Castro
Chief Operating Officer, LATAM
Juan Garcia
Graphic Designer
Juan Gomez
Production Front End
Juan Guerra
Photo Editor
Juan Gutierrez
Junior Production Designer
Juan Mantilla
Jr. Performance Specialist
Juan Marentes
Lead QA
Juan Montero
Jr. Performance Specialist
Juan Sosa
Performance Specialist
Juliana Arias
Account Executive
Karen Hernandez
Social Media Art Director
Karen Ocampo
Junior Front End Developer
Kayla Astolfi
Lead Account Executive
Kayla Lebron
Email Marketing Manager
Kenya Semexant
Email Marketing Coordinator
Kevin Wood
Director of Analytics
Kira Rapp
Senior Project Manager
Tambo Pup
Laura Calderon
Design Intern
Laura Contreras
Account Executive
Laura Correa
Technical Operations Specialist
Laura Galindo
Associate Creative Director
Laura Guzman
ADA Coordinator
Laura León
Account Coordinator
Laura Peguero
Graphic Designer
Laura Zapata
Performance Specialist
Leanne Grahn
Lead Account Executive
Leonor Gallardo
Project Coordinator
Lherman Tayupe
Sr. Director of Enterprise Systems
Lili Majszki
Account Receivable Specialist
Lorena Sierra
Social Media Designer
Mackenzie Meyer
Content Strategist
Mallory Cohen
Project Manager
Manuel Vera
Performance Specialist
Marcos Parentes
Chief of Web Technology
Maria Fagnilli
Account Executive
Maria Paula Acevedo
Senior Graphic Designer
Maria Paula Ibarra
Account Executive
Mariano Ceballos
VP of Creative Services
Mashela Joseph
Technical Operations Manager
Mateo Pedroza
Senior Front End Developer
Maxine Dunn
Lead Account Executive
Megan Reeves
Director of Sales Operations
Mekell Barker
Senior VP of Account Service, Hotels
Melissa Manrique
Concierge Team Lead
Melissa Navarro
Account Executive
Michael Spaccaferro
Copywriter I
Miguel Rozo
Product Front End Developer
Mitzy Vielmas
Product Operations Manager
Moises Robles
Junior Social Media Designer
Monica Lay
Lead Account Executive
Monica Linares
Digital Analytics Pro
Monica Posada
Traffic Specialist
Myriam Fuentes
Project Manager
Natalia Chica
Account Executive
Natalia Urbina
Director of Web Development
Natasha Davalos
Lead Account Executive
Nicolas España
Team Lead Paid Search & Social Media
Nicolas Sierra
Junior Front End Developer
Nicolas Tellez
Lead Front End Developer
Nicolas Uribe
Front End Developer
Nicolette Gonzales
Lead Account Executive
Oscar Acosta
Lead Designer
Oscar Correa
Senior Art Director
Oscar Lara
Administrative Coordinator
Paige Bloom
Director of Content Marketing & Production
Paul Freudenthaler
Chief Financial Officer
Paula Delgado
Front End Developer
Paula Martinez
Account Coordinator
Tambo Pup
Priscilla Arbulu
Project Coordinator
Rachel Artounian
VP of Account Service, Hotels
Rachel Benes
Director, Global Hotel Brands
Rafael Cardozo
Chief Executive Officer
Rebecca Tsang
Group Account Strategist
Ricardo Zapata
Junior Production Designer
Robinson Almeida
Junior IT Support Technician
Ruben Gonzalez
Lead Production
Samantha Christopher
Office Experience Manager
Samantha McCarrick
Senior Project Manager
Samantha Ramirez
Account Executive
Samantha Schaefer
Tradeshow & Events Specialist
Sarah Martin
Account Executive
Scott Quintal
Chief Revenue Officer
Sebastian Dottor
Senior Art Director
Sebastian Ospina
Content Strategist
Sebastian Prieto
Design Intern
Sebastian Sanchez
Creative Video Designer
Selena Meixner
Sales Operations Administrator
Tambo Pup
Shannon DeFries
Director of Sales
Sierra Osborne
Senior Staff Accountant
Silja Berrocal
Lead Account Executive
Stefania Gonzalez
Content Strategist
Stephany Bermudez
VP of Creative Services
Stephen Rosen
Chief Technology Officer
Thomas McDermott
Chief Marketing Officer
Tyler Murillo
Content Coordinator
Valentina Crouzeilles
Account Executive II
Valentina Cury
Group Account Strategist
Valeria Capone
HR Coordinator
Vanessa Chery
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Victoria Bonsignore
Senior Production Coordinator
Whitni Meece
Account Executive
Wilmer Torres
Senior Front End Developer
Yolane Navamuel
Project Manager
Tambo Pup